Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia Ranks, Levels and Badges

When playing a game it is natural to think that how this game’s points are calculated. When will I get to the next level? When I will reach the advanced level and so on. The same is the case with Mini Militia. This game has become so popular that everyone wants to climb up straight to the higher levels whenever they see the list of rankings. A thorough list of Mini Militia Ranks, Levels and Badges has been presented in the article. If you have heard about US Army Positions, you’ll notice that the ranks in Mini Militia are similar to those in the US Army positions.

Mini Militia is one of the top-playing games in the world. It was launched in 2011 but officially made available to the market in 2015. It is developed by Appsomniacs and released by Miniclip. Until now, it has been downloaded by 100,000,000+ people and the numbers are increasing continuously.

What are Mini Militia Ranks?

These are the rankings, you start to get when you start scoring more and more points and playing extremely well in the game. The more points you will get, the more boost in rankings will occur and the more quickly you will be able to climb up the ranks. An important thing to note is that ranks do not show how many levels you have played but show the number of game points you get.

Ranks Classification

There are a total of 21 ranks in Mini Militia and we have separated them on the basis of their primary duties as well.

Non – Commissioned Officers

First comes, the category of non-commissioned officers.

Sr. No.RankTotal XP RequiredXP Required for reaching the Next LevelBadge
1Private0100Add picture
2Private First Class100400Add picture
3Corporal500500Add picture
4Sergeant10001000Add picture
5Staff Sergeant20001500Add picture
6Sergeant First Class35001500
7Master Sergeant50001750
8First Sergeant67501750
9Sergeant Major85002500

So, these are all non-commissioned officers.

Commissioned Officers

The following is the list of Commissioned Officers:

Sr.No.RankTotal XP RequiredXP Required for reaching the Next LevelBadge
102nd Lieutenant110002500Add picture
111st Lieutenant135003000

These are all the commissioned officers.

Field Officers

The following is the list of Field Officers:

Sr. NoRankTotal XP RequiredXP Required for reaching the Next LevelBadge
13Major 195003500Add picture
14Lieutenant Colonel230004000

So, the above list represents the filed officer ranks in mini militia.

General Officers

The following list is the list of General Officers:

Sr. No.RankTotal XP RequiredXP Required for reaching the Next LevelBadge
16Brigadier General310004000
17Major General350004000
18Lieutenant General390005000
20General of the Army5000050000Add picture

So, the above-mentioned list is the list of General Officers Rank in Mini Militia All Ranks.


The following rank is the most powerful rank in Mini Militia:

Sr. No.RankTotal XP RequiredXP Required for reaching the Next LevelBadge
21Commander in Chief100000Add picture

Commander in Chief Rank is the highest rank in Mini Militia.

Description of Ranks 

The description of ranks and mini militia levels have been explained. Each rank has a different colour so be sure of it whenever you see the colour of the rank.

Rank 1: Recruit

This is the first-ever rank. When you begin the game for the first time. You don’t have any special weapons at this stage and you’re allowed to use only machine guns and pistols.

Rank 2: Private

Once you reach level 4, you’re allotted a Private rank where you’re upgraded and capable of equipping more advanced weapons like shotguns, rocket launchers and rifles. You also get an option to upgrade your clothing, like caps, clothes etc to help you to prevent yourself from your enemy attacks and also a boost of 20% in health.

Rank 3:Lance Corporal

On reaching level 8, you’re allotted a Lance Corporal Rank where you get to unlock more powerful weapons like Rocket Propelled Guns.

Rank 4: Corporal

The lowest rank in the game. You have access to all weapons but can’t use high-class weapons.

Rank 5: Sergeant

After 100 kills, you’re allotted to Sergeant Rank. you’re allowed to use most of the weapons in the game, but still, most of the high-class weapons will be unavailable for you.

Rank 6: Staff Sergeant

After 300 kills and at least one promotion, you’re allotted the Staff Sergeant Rank where most of the weapons are available for you, but still, some high-class weapons will be still unavailable for you.

Rank 7: Warrant Officer

After 500 kills, one promotion on previous ranks and 10 squad victories, you’re allotted the rank of Warrant Officer, in which all the shop items are made available for you plus a custom loadout can be selected before every mission.

Rank 8: Chief Warrant Officer II

All warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and members are overseen by the senior head Chief Warrant officer. CWO II directly reports to the commanding officer on matters of discipline, performance and training.

Rank 9: Chief Warrant Officer III

The tasks assigned by the commander are directly handled by CWO 3. The tasks like subordination units’ evaluation or conducting a survey of the inspection team, serving as an ROTC instructor or personnel actions or pay handling are handled by CWO 3.

Rank 10: Second Lieutenant

A platoon-sized element consisting of 16-35 marines is handled by Second Lieutenant. SC also serves as a Platoon Commander.


Q: What is The Captain Rank in Mini Militia?

The Captain Rank in Mini Militia is 12.

Q: What is the highest Rank in Mini Militia?
The highest rank in Mini Militia is the Chief of Army Staff.

Final Words

Wrapping up with the final words that it is not easy to gain Mini Militia Ranks boosting so quickly. You will need to play every day and score thousands of points and win most of your games before you’ll get the top rankings.

But if you want to climb up the rankings way quicker than others then you can download Mini Militia Mod APK and can get the ultimate weapons: for which normally you have to get pay or get specific rankings, for free without any effort.

Keep visiting for more Mini Militia Updates.

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